
Help ease the strain on the electrical grid when energy is most in demand, 防止停电, 有利于环境,同时还能获得账单信用.


省电奖励计划是自愿的, penalty-free program that pays participants for reducing their energy use during times of high demand or other emergencies. Participants who volunteer can help strengthen the grid, benefit the environment and earn a reward. 只要我们齐心协力,我们就能有所作为.


As the temperatures rise, increased demand for cooling can put a strain on the electrical grid. 当这种情况发生时, the state’s grid operator may call a Flex警报 or other grid warning requesting voluntary conservation. 当你参加省电奖励计划时, you can be rewarded for successfully conserving energy below your typical use during a 省电奖励 event.

If you’re an eligible residential customer looking to reduce your bill or energy use when the grid is especially stressed — 省电奖励 might be right for you.

  • 程序的季节该项目从5月1日持续到10月31日.
  • 程序激活节电奖励活动可以在周一到周日举行, 包括节假日和周末, 下午4点到9点之间.m. A 省电奖励 event will be called when the state’s power grid operator calls a Flex警报 or other grid emergency to maintain grid reliability.
  • 项目奖励: Eligible customers who reduce their energy use below their typical use during a 省电奖励 event, 可以收到1美元的账单信用吗.每千瓦时00元.

It’s entirely voluntary to reduce your use during an event and there is no penalty if you choose not to participate. 


  1. 成为西班牙内拥有智能电表的住宅用电客户&E的领土.
  2. 不参与其他可持续发展目标&E能源激励计划,如ELRP A.4或A.5、容量招标或第三方方案. (注:如果你以后报名参加这些项目, you will be automatically unenrolled from the 省电奖励计划.)
  3. 住宅 customers participating in 社区 Choice Aggregator (CCA) or Direct Access (DA) are eligible for the program.
  4. 拥有太阳能发电的客户有资格参加. 
  5. 视图 官方条款和条件


You can apply to participate in the 省电奖励 program by submitting an 在线申请.



省电奖励 event notifications will be sent the day before an event takes place. The notifications will be sent to the email address on file with 西班牙&E. If you would like to also receive text messages notifying you of events or would like to change your e-mail, 去 我的账户.

 了解更多信息, you can contact our 省电奖励 program call center by phone: 1-800-411-7343.


  •  Run high energy use appliances, such as your washer, dryer or dishwasher.
  • 把恒温器调到较低的温度来为你的家降温.
  • 通过关上百叶窗或窗帘来阻挡热量 .
下午4点到9点之间.m. 日落图标
  • 关掉所有未使用房间的照明.
  • Unplug electronics not in use, as they can draw power even when switched off.
  • Adjust your thermostat to 78 degrees, if health permitting or use a fan.

获取更多节能贴士,请浏览 mojie56.com/myenergy


The 省电奖励 fact sheet is available in English, Spanish and 20 additional languages. 浏览其他语言

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340.17 KB


You can unenroll from the 省电奖励 program by submitting an  在线申请. 一旦您取消注册,您将不再有资格获得账单积分. 我们可能需要2周的时间来处理您的取消注册请求.

Customers who have been enrolled in 省电奖励 will receive an email or direct mail letter welcoming them to the program.

MyAccount > Click the “Account” tab > Click “Notification Settings” > Click “Billing and Account Updates.”

Make sure to add a check to the box that says “Text” and input the phone number to receive text notifications of 省电奖励 events along with other account and billing notifications.

MyAccount > Click “Account tab” and on "My Profile.选择编辑图标编辑您的电子邮件或电话号码.

All participants  with an email on file will receive an email notification the day before a 省电奖励 event. 参与者不得选择不接收此电子邮件. 

省电奖励 customers are eligible to receive a bill credit if your household can reduce your energy use below your Typical Use when 省电奖励 is activated. 


如果节电奖励活动在工作日举行, 星期一至星期五, 您可以按照以下步骤计算典型使用量.

  1. 在活动前的五个工作日回顾一下你的能源使用情况, and identify the three weekdays in which your household used the most energy between 4 - 9 p.m.
  2. Add the total amount of energy use of the three days (between 4 - 9p.m.).
  3. Calculate the Typical Use by dividing the total amount of energy use of the three days and divide by 3. 这是典型的用法.


If a 省电奖励 event takes place on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday) or a holiday (Memorial Day, 七月四日, 劳动节), 你可以按以下步骤计算典型用途:

  1. Review your energy use on the three weekend/holiday days prior to the event.
  2. Identify the one weekday/holiday that used the most energy between 4- 9 p.m.
  3. Your home’s Typical Use is the weekend day/holiday with the highest energy use identified.

Please note: Days in which a 省电奖励 event occurred are not used in the Typical Use calculation.

If you successfully conserved energy below your typical use on a 省电奖励 day, a bill credit will be included on your energy bill that includes the energy use on the date of the 省电奖励 event day. This will usually occur within 31 days of the 省电奖励 event day.



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Whether you rent or own, you may be eligible for no-cost energy-efficient home improvements.



Flex警报通知我们可预防的断电. 知道什么时候节约用电.
